SEND Information
We currently have 49 pupils on our SEND register. All staff are fully aware of each child's needs and many have received training to support them. Each child on our SEND register will have a 'One Page Profile' detailing strategies to support them day to day and a One Plan identifying targeted support. These are reviewed throughout the school year.
We have close links with local SENCOs; the specialist teacher team, Speech and Language and Educational Psychology services. We currently support children with a variety of needs such as: ASD, Speech and Language difficulties, ADHD, and General Learning Difficulties.
Further information on the schools SEND arrangements can be found in the SEND Policy. We have a separate medical policy for children with medical needs.
The SEND Policy for the school is reviewed regularly. This review is undertaken by the SENCo of the school in consultation with all staff. The policy is reviewed and ratified by Governors.
If you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact Mrs Arnold (the school SENCo) by calling into the school office or emailing
Please click the following link to access Essex County Council's Local Offer Website.
Please click the following link to access Essex County Council's Useful Video's from the Autism Hub.
Please click the following link to access the school's SEND Information Report.
Please click the following link to access the school's Accessibility Plan.
Please click the following link to access the Multi Schools Council Website.
Please click the following link to access the SEND Policy.
Please click the following link to access the Autism Central website for Parents/Carers.
Please click this link to access the East Suffolk and North Essex Children's Health Services
Please click this link to access the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Early Help Offer
PINS Project (2024-2025)
The school has been working with our Health colleagues to undertake a project called 'Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools. (PINS).' We have had some parent/carer engagement sessions and the notes from these are below.