Hamilton Primary School

  1. PSA
  2. How you can help

How can you help?

Easy Fundraising

Raise money when you shop!

Simply download the Easy Fundraising application to your phone, tablet or desktop and get cash-back for the school each time you shop.  It really is that easy!

There are just 4 easy steps to using Easy Fundraising:

  1. easyfundraising.org.uk and click on 'Find a cause' and type 'Hamnilton Primary PSA'
  2. Then sign up and support this cause
  3. Download the Easy Fundraising application to your phone, tablet or desktop
  4. Find a retailer using the search function and you’ll be redirected to their website to use in the normal way – that’s it!

Help at an Event

Organising, baking, tidying up, running a stall - it takes all sorts!

Our hardest challenge is not raising the money but finding volunteers for the events. When we are organising an event, we always ask for helpers and please, please consider lending us some time as we appreciate help whether it’s big or small as we understand that parents have busy lives and differing commitments. Volunteering for an event doesn’t mean you will be shackled to the PSA machine for the rest of eternity (unless you want to be, of course!).

Events like the Parent Quiz, Christmas Grotto, Easter Eggstravaganza and our Summer Fayre simply would not happen without volunteers to help set up, run, or pack away! 

Donate via 



Match Funding

Boost our fundraising efforts by asking if your employer will 'match' the money we raise

Match funding is a simple way of maximising the fundraising efforts of individual PSA volunteers. Some organisations will match fund on a pound-for-pound basis; others stipulate a donation limit.  Match funding is essentially an informal corporate arrangement between a company and their employee. Many companies offer this under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. 

Simply ask your company if they run this scheme, and let us know!

Come to our PSA meetings

We’re a friendly bunch – don’t be shy!

We hold a formal meeting once a term at school in the evenings. We are always welcoming to anyone who pops to a meeting or two.  We also have ad-hoc meetings in the day to plan upcoming events. These are usually held in a local coffee shop and are very informal and friendly.

We hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October. All parents are welcome at the AGM.

If you would like to attend a meeting, please get in touch or chat to us on the playground. However, if you cannot make a meeting but would like to see the minutes, they are available on the school website for you to read.

Buy a School Lottery ticket

Be in with a chance of winning a weekly £25,000 jackpot prize and support your school at the same time!

Joining the 'Your School Lottery' scheme. This is a simple way to support the school and have a flutter!  Unlike most other lotteries, Your School Lottery lets you support your local school directly. 40p from every £1 ticket goes straight to the school, in contrast to the National lottery who only pass on 28p in every pound, and the Health Lottery who only pass on 20.2p to good causes.  Everyone who participates is in with a chance of winning the £25,000 jackpot, and there is also a guaranteed local prize that will be won by one of the school supporters – the more people who play, the bigger the local prize, and the more money raised for your school.

You will be able to play by visiting www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/play and searching for Hamilton Primary School.